Frequently Asked Questions

What is Concierge Service?

A-Friend Concierge Services is the solution to balancing work and home.  We can advise and help you arrange, plan, or organize anything that you do not have the time or the patience to do yourself. We are your personal assistant, personal shopper, consultant, errand runner, and event planner. We are capable of handling a wide array of tasks allowing our clients to enjoy more time to do the things they value the most.

What makes A-Friend Concierge Services different from other companies?

A-Friend Concierge Services provides personalized and one-on-one service at an affordable price. Our goal is to complete the job as you would personally like it done. Many other services merely book appointments for you and have no personal relationship or knowledge of your particular needs.

What are the benefits?

Not everyone requires full or part-time help. Sometimes, all you need is someone to handle the extras so you have more time to handle responsibilities that are more important.

How do I schedule your services?

Contact us via text, e-mail or call us at (512) 230-0903 to determine how we can best serve you.  We will suggest a plan and create a schedule that works for you.  Our usual hours are 9:00 am to 6:00 pm – evenings and weekends by special arrangement.   We prefer at least 24 hours’ notice for any given task, but we realize we do not live in a 9-5 world and emergencies happen, so we will do everything we can to accommodate an urgent request.

Can you really arrange anything?

Yes, just about anything that is legal and moral... and if we cannot perform the service for you, we will quickly and efficiently find the best resource for the job.

How much do you charge?

Rates vary starting at $10.  Call us to discuss your needs. (512) 230-0903

What methods of payments are accepted?

We accept checks, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and cash.

Are materials, products, and additional services included in your hourly rate?

No. The client is responsible for materials and products needed to complete the task.

How will I know what the additional service charges are?

We will provide receipts for all additional service charges after completion of service.

Isn’t it more expensive to use a concierge?

No, not when compared to getting your entire tasks completed. You will find our pricing to be very fair.

Do you have a Privacy Policy?

All personal and credit card information collected by A-Friend Concierge Services will remain confidential. We do not sell or share any information about our clients. We are discreet and confidential about our dealings with our clients.

Didn't find the answer you were looking for?

Contact A-Friend Concierge Services to get answers. (512) 230-0903

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